BioEnergy is the most widely used form of renewable
energy in the world. Used in every country for
centuries, BioEnergy currently provides over 15% of the
world's energy supply.
BioEnergy is derived by harnessing the energy flows
gathered by nature's solar collectors. It is this
natural storage capacity of organic life that
differentiates BioEnergy from other types of renewable
Powering Cleaner Transport
technological advances are providing an increasingly
wide range of environmentally sound and cost-competitive
renewable energy options. BioEnergy derived fuels, or
BioFuels, are compatible with most existing energy
systems, making them exceptional substitutes for
existing transport fuels.
similarity between fossil fuels, today's dominant energy
source, and BioFuels comes from the fact that fossil
fuels are hydrocarbons formed during the fossilization
of carbohydrates in biomass. As compared to fossil
fuels, BioFuels significantly reduce or eliminate nearly
all forms of air pollution: from air toxics like carbon
monoxide to particulates and hydrocarbons that cause
respiratory illnesses and cancer, to sulfur that causes
acid rain.